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Frequently Asked Questions 


In order to help our members understand what to do we have created this page which should explain pretty much everything you will need to know. Though if there is question you have that is not answered then please dont hesitate to contact us. 


Will there be prizes?
Yes, but only in some occasions. We hope, however, that you join the club for the experience and less so for winning. Though, we are excited to announce that there will be a huge prize at the end of the curse, so do your best!


What types of themes will you have?


Some of our themes last year were Autumn, Sun, Winter, Indoor Photography, Blue and Spring. None of the same themes will be repeated but some themes may encompass some of the same sorts of components to photograph. 


In what ways will we try to help you?


As the leaders of this club we will try to help you in as many ways possible. In our monthly newsletters we will try to help you by having tips and examples. We will give comments on why the winners won which we hope will help everyone progress. We will also be offering monthly classes to anyone who wants to come learn a bit more about photography and improve what they already know. 



What will happen at the end of the year?


At the end of the year, we are going to have a Photography Club Exhibition so that all the school community can see the amazing work you have been doing ;). Of course, we will only showcase your pictures if we have your permission. 

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